Hãy bắt đầu học từ mới mỗi ngày. Mỗi ngày 25 tính từ mới. Nào cùng học nhé.
1. 행복하다: to be happy
1. 행복하다: to be happy
2. 기쁘다: to be glad, happy
3. 화나다: to be angry
4. 슬프다: to be sad
5. 아프다: to be sick, painful
6. 피곤하다: to be tired, exhausted
7. 배가 고프다: to be hungry
8. 목이 마르다: to be thirsty
9. 졸리다: to be sleepy
11. 무섭다: to be scared
12. 짜증나다: to be annoyed
13. 놀라다: to be surprised
14. 수줍다: to be shy
15. 재미있다: to be interesting
16. 재미없다: to not be interesting
17. 심심하다: to be bored
18. 지루하다: to be boring, dull
19. 조용하다: to be quiet
20. 시끄럽다: to be loud, noisy
21. 뜨겁다 to be hot
22. 따뜻하다: to be warm
23. 차갑다: to be cold
24. 시원하다: to be cool, refreshing
25. 신선하다: to be fresh
26. 아름답다: to be beautiful
27. 예쁘다: to be pretty
28. 귀엽다: to be cute
29. 잘생기다: to be good looking
30. 못생기다: to be ugly
31. 크다: to be big
32. 작다: to be small
33. 많다: to be lots, many
34. 적다: to be few, little
35. 좁다: to be narrow
36. 넓다: to be wide, broad
37. 뚱뚱하다: to be fat, overweight
38. 통통하다: to be chubby
39. 날씬하다: to be slim, slender
40. 깡마르다: to be skinny, scrawny
41. 덥다: to be hot (regarding
42. 뜨겁다: to be hot (regarding
touch, objects)
43. 따뜻하다: to be warm (regarding
both weather and objects)
44. 춥다: to be cold (regarding
45. 차갑다: to be cold, icy, chilly
(regarding touch, objects)
46. 싸늘하다: to be chilly, frosty
47. 습하다: to be damp, moist, humid
48. 건조하다: to be dry
49. 흐리다: to be cloudy
50. 좋다: to be good, fine
51. 어렵다: to be difficult
52. 쉽다: to be easy
53. 깨끗하다: to be clean
54. 더럽다: to be dirty
55. 빠르다: to be fast
56. 천천하다: to be slow
57. 느리다: to be slow
58. 급하다: to be urgent
59. 늦다: to be late
60. 이르다: to be early
61.똑똑하다: to be smart, clever
62. 멍청하다: to be stupid, foolish
63. 싸다: to be cheap
64. 비싸다: to be expensive
65. 새롭다: to be new, fresh
66. 오래되다: to be old (regarding
67. 튼튼하다: to be strong, sturdy
68. 씩씩하다: to be brave
69. 약하다: to be weak, feeble
70. 건강하다: to be healthy
71. 쓰다: to be bitter
72. 짜다: to be salty
73. 시큼하다: to be sour
74. 맵다: to be spicy
75. 달콤하다: to be sweet
76. 기름지다: to be fatty, greasy,
77. 맛있다: to be delicious, tasty
78. 맛없다: to be not tasty
79. 가득하다: to be full, crammed
80. 비어 있다: to be empty
81. 나쁘다: to be bad, poor
82. 딱딱하다: to be hard, stiff
83. 뾰족하다: to be sharp, pointed
84. 부드럽다: to be soft
85. 말랑하다: to be soft, tender, ripe
86. 촉촉하다: to be moist
87. 축축하다: to be damp, clammy, wet
88. 젖다: to get wet, damp
89. 건조하다: to be dry, arid
90. 미끄럽다: to be slippery
91. 편하다: to be comfortable
92. 불편하다: to be uncomfortable
93. 괜찮다: to be alright, ok
94. 이상하다: to be weird, strange
95. 복잡하다: to be jammed, crowded
96. 편리하다: to be convenient
97. 다르다: to be different
98. 같다: to be the same
99. 착하다: to be good-natured, nice
100. 비열하다: to be mean, nasty
YPWORKS Keywords: hoc tieng han nhap mon, hoc tieng han so cap, hoc tieng han trung cap, hoc tieng han quoc qua video, hoc tieng han, tieng han qua video, hoc tieng han quoc, tu hoc tieng han quoc, tu dien viet han
YPWORKS Keywords: hoc tieng han nhap mon, hoc tieng han so cap, hoc tieng han trung cap, hoc tieng han quoc qua video, hoc tieng han, tieng han qua video, hoc tieng han quoc, tu hoc tieng han quoc, tu dien viet han
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